Renny Slade - The Wise Learner

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Finding space in a 'high-risk' situation

I have found myself in a situation with someone that is potentially very tricky.

Based on personal and professional experience, this is what could be called a 'high-risk situation' - there are likely to be differences of opinion when moving forward from here, emotions that might be triggered, and focus that might get lost.

So how to approach a 'high-risk situation' like this?

Viktor Frankl, who wrote 'Man's Search for Meaning', said:

'Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and freedom.'

I am going to take time to find that space.

- space to listen

- space to check whether what I 'heard' is what was said and meant

- space to reflect

- space to formulate my response

- space to check with myself that my response is appropriate to the situation (as in: based on the here-and-now, and not on past experiences and emotions)

- space to remind myself and the other person of the outcome we have agreed on working towards

- space to question whether both my and the other person's responses and actions are contributing to or hindering reaching this outcome

- space to be quiet

- space to breathe

What do you need space for today?